WhatsApp has introduced a new feature for detecting fake news. One of the most used app in the social media is WhatsApp. Yes, WhatsApp is one of the broadly using application of social networks.
WhatsApp New Feature for Detecting Fake News
WhatsApp is one of the most popular websites where information is widely disseminated. The messages that are being circulated are unknowingly shared.
Various measures taken by the state and central government to prevent fake news about Corona.
The state and the federal government are taking various measures to prevent coronation. At the same time, there are many rumors about Corona. It is expected that the introduction of new feature in Whatsapp will help prevent this.
How to Find Fake News in WhatsApp?
Let us look at this introduction of the WhatsApp. A magnifying glass-shaped button will be displayed for messages currently being forwarded.
Click on the lens shape to see the authenticity of the specified message. It will show whether it is true or disseminated false information.
What is propagated on the WhatsApp With this introduction, you can see if what is being circulated on the WhatsApp is bogus or false.
In addition, we can cooperate with the government to prevent the spread of fake information.
A Lens-shaped Button WhatsApp users display their forwarded messages in a magnifying glass, ie a Lens-shaped Button.
WhatsApp will show a popup feature after clicking on it
Would you like to search through the web then click on it and it will show you whether you want to search through the web.
You can search their information through the web. Similarly, clicking on it will show you whether you want to search or cancel the web. You can experiment with this.
WhatsApp can prevent the dissemination of fake information on WhatsApp. We can prevent this from spreading false information.
Information Available via Popeta This information is currently available via WhatsApp.
This feature is expected to be first launched in the Android platform. It should be noted that this is only in the testing phase.
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