Do you know How to prevent iTunes from Duplicating Music Files? Whenever you add a music iTunes file, it’s duplicated. This article shows you how iTunes prevent duplicates from being added.
Yes if you add a music track to the iTunes Library, a Copy of the file will be created automatically in the iTunes Folder.
How to prevent iTunes from Duplicating Music Files? Here You Go!
Why we don’t want this Duplicated iTunes Files?
1. Unnecessary space will be occupied by the duplicated iTunes file.
2. It is annoying to hear the repeated songs.
The location of iTunes duplication file is C:\Users\Username\Music\iTunes. iTunes Duplication feature is sometimes very useful if you like to import music tracks from a Storage device or an audio CD.
How iTunes prevent duplicates from being added Music Files ?
Open iTunes, Click on Edit menu >> Preference.
Now Go to Advanced tab.
Clear the Check-Box “ Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library “
Click OK to save.
Also Read: How ti Import iTunes Playlist?
How to remove duplicate iTunes on a Mac or PC
Go to the Duplicated iTunes folder and do highlight the iTunes files you want to delete.
You can hold Command on Mac / Control on a Computer to multiple Duplicate iTunes files.
Now Right Click and select Delete. You will get a pop-up that do you want to delete this iTunes files from the iTunes Library- Click Yes.
Now select if you like to keep the iTunes file on your PC or Move to Trash ready to delete to get extra space.
TuneUp is the app for using to remove the duplicated iTunes files automatically.
Also, it is used to repair mislabeled songs and add missing cover art successfully.
This is the best way to prevent iTunes from Duplicating Music Files and remove duplicate iTunes on a Mac or PC.
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