CD DVD drive is not Working or Detected in Windows 10 issue is very common after a big changes in the Windows 10 Operating System. In this guide, you will learn how to fix CD drive not working in Windows 10. Let’s learn how to activate cd drive in windows 10.
We have a very simple fix to get rid of CD DVD drive not working issue.
Until Windows 10 Upgrade – everything was working fine, but After Windows 10 Upgrade CD / DVD drive is not Working / Detected in Windows 10.
Why your Windows 10 not recognize CD or DVD drive after upgrade ? This tutorial shows you a simple trick to get rid of CD / Drive not detecting issue in Windows 10.
If you see CD/DVD drive icon, it will have a question mark on it. If you click on the icon, you will get an error as shown below.
Error : The item ‘E:\’ that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer work properly. Item E:\ would be your CD /DVD drive.
CD DVD drive is not Working – How to fix if Windows doesn’t recognize optical drives CD / DVD ?
Fix #1
- Go to Windows Search box.
- Type Cmd in the Search box and you will see Command Prompt.
- Now right click on Command Prompt and click on Run as Administrator.
- Now you will be in the Microsoft Command Prompt.
- Type reg.exe add “HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesatapiController0” /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 command and press Enter.
- Now Close the command prompt and reboot your computer.
Check the drive now and it will work, if not, repeat the process and restart again. You will be able to see the CD/DVD drive in Windows 10.
Fix # 2
If the Fix # 1 did not work, then you have next Fix to try. You need to try creating a registry key for your DVD drive on Windows 10. Below is the procedure to create registry key for CD /DVD not detecting issue in windows 10.
- Ensure that you have logged in as Administrator or Admin equivalent accounts.
- Press Windows key + R and type regedit and enter.
- This shall open “Registry Editor” for you. Navigate to following path in it:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi
- Now Right click on atapi, select New and then click Key.
- Type Controller0 and press Enter.
- Now, right click on Controller0 key and select New > DWORD(32-bit) Value.
- Type EnumDevice1 and press Enter.
- Right click on EnumDevice1 and select Modify.
- Update the value to “1” in Value Data box and click OK.
- Close the Registry Editor Now.
- Reboot Your Computer.
CD DVD drive is not Working Fix # 3
- Ensure that you have logged in as Administrator or Admin equivalent accounts.
- Press Windows key + R and type regedit and enter.
- This will open “Registry Editor” for you. Navigate to following path in it:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Now Right click an UpperFilters and select Delete and then confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.
- And now, Right click on LowerFilters and select Delete and the confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.
- Close the Registry Editor.
Now Reboot your Computer.
- Close the Registry Editor.
CD / DVD drive is not Working / Detected in Windows 10 issue should be resolved by using anyone of the above 3 Fixes.
The tips is amazingly significant
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I really appreciate your work.. It help me alot in my win10….